Post Tagged with: "Books Make a Difference"

BookExpo America 2016 Photoblog
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BookExpo America 2016 Photoblog

by Meagan Frank and Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito

We had a book-loving good adventure at Book Expo America 2016 in Chicago in May, looking for Books Make a Difference stories. Inspired by multi-faceted storytelling—from famous and beloved all-stars to emerging teen authors, singer-songwriters who speak in poetry to 3D multimedia entertainers, publishers focused on social empowerment to satirists empowering citizens through humor, writers born of heartache and perseverance to those who would drop a book deal to keep their point of view—we bring you our #BEA16 photoblog. […]

Gwenda Bond’s Teenage Lois Lane Empowers Girl Heroes
Beyond the Flap

Gwenda Bond’s Teenage Lois Lane Empowers Girl Heroes

by Meagan Frank

Lois Lane: Fearless news reporter. Superman’s girlfriend. Icon. Gwenda Bond: Rockstar YA author bringing the world the inside scoop on Lois Lane—teenager. Gwenda grew up in a one-stoplight Kentucky town, not Smallville, but close. She’s cool in her own right and a great role model, making her a perfect choice to author the modern science fiction tales of a teenage Lois she hopes will inspire and empower young girls to make a difference in their own worlds, even without superpowers. […]

Book Fairs Around the World Gather Millions of Books & Readers
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Book Fairs Around the World Gather Millions of Books & Readers

Nearly every region of the world hosts a book fair. At the heart of book fairs is an energetic love of creating books and the whir of everything that makes the book industry go. Publishers showcase their lists, generate buzz about new titles and authors, and negotiate rights deals. From new books to rare books to comic books, each international book fair boasts a calling card, attracting a growing international following of book professionals and readers. […]