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Writing Contests Help Writers, Agents, Editors Find One Another
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Writing Contests Help Writers, Agents, Editors Find One Another

by Staff

Writers looking for agents or editors to champion their books, and agents and editors searching for new talent all successfully use writing contests as a key strategy in discoverability. “Discoverability is so tough these days,” says Regina Brooks, one of New York’s premier young adult literary agents. Writing contests are a good strategy to gain exposure in a highly competitive space. Here’s why Serendipity Literary Agency’s 8th Annual YA Discovery Contest, as well as other reputable writing competitions, are worth the time and effort. […]

Pitch Conferences: Shaping Writers for Publication
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Pitch Conferences: Shaping Writers for Publication

by Meagan Frank

Pitching story ideas to literary agents can happen in a tweet, a face-to-face conversation, or a three-paragraph email. The exercise of condensing 80-100,000 words of a manuscript down to a hundred characters, a few minutes of explanation, or a well-crafted query letter can challenge writers. In order to hone pitching skills, writers attend pitch conferences geared toward equipping them to better navigate the road toward representation. Perfecting the pitch is worthwhile but writers gain the most when they maintain perspective about the journey toward publication. […]

BookExpo America 2016 Photoblog
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BookExpo America 2016 Photoblog

by Meagan Frank and Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito

We had a book-loving good adventure at Book Expo America 2016 in Chicago in May, looking for Books Make a Difference stories. Inspired by multi-faceted storytelling—from famous and beloved all-stars to emerging teen authors, singer-songwriters who speak in poetry to 3D multimedia entertainers, publishers focused on social empowerment to satirists empowering citizens through humor, writers born of heartache and perseverance to those who would drop a book deal to keep their point of view—we bring you our #BEA16 photoblog. […]