Beyond the Flap
by Terri Barnes
Bestselling author James Patterson doesn’t just make millions. He also gives away millions, in scholarships for teachers, grants to independent bookstores, and programs for young readers. In this exclusive interview, he talks about the influence of his advertising career, his preference for collaborative writing, why he feels it’s important we have “really good bookstores,” and why getting kids to read is a “bit of an obsession” for him. […]
Beyond the Flap
by Terri Barnes
Army wife Judy Davis has become acquainted with various states in her mobile lifestyle, states like Colorado, Texas, and Missouri. The one she’s been in lately is particularly familiar: a state of flux. When her husband received unexpected orders for a move coinciding with the release of her first book, Right Side Up: Find Your Way When Military Life Turns You Upside Down, the chaos of relocation became an opportunity for Judy to live out the principles in her book. […]
Community Connection
by Terri Barnes
The modest bungalow looks like any other home on the tree-lined street, but the rooms inside hold an estimated 100,000 cards, letters, and emails written by American service men and women and their families, during every American conflict from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and Afghanistan. This unique collection of personal letters of war is the vision of dedicated author and historian Andrew Carroll, in partnership with Chapman University. The Center for American War Letters opens November 5, 2014. […]