Post Tagged with: "Terri Barnes"

Preparing for a Writing Workshop
Community Connection / Writeaway

Preparing for a Writing Workshop

by Terri Barnes

Much of the hard work of writing is solitary. Writing workshops give wordsmiths an opportunity to gather in a community of writers to hone their craft through guided instruction, peer feedback, and spending time simply writing. Depending on the workshop format, writers prepare by setting goals, submitting finished work or work in progress, and distancing themselves from normal daily distractions so they can fully engage in this vulnerable, rewarding experience. […]

How Do Your Stories Grow? Kimberly Willis Holt’s Writing Process
Turn the Page

How Do Your Stories Grow? Kimberly Willis Holt’s Writing Process

by Terri Barnes

Children’s author Kimberly Willis Holt cultivates her writing process as carefully as she cultivates the garden in her Texas backyard. She’s now working on her twentieth book, and for each one she follows a specific process of brainstorming, plotting, and rewriting. The National Book Award winner shares her creative methods and disciplines and the writers who inspired them. […]

Barbershop Books: Growing Boys Who Read
Community Connection

Barbershop Books: Growing Boys Who Read

by Terri Barnes

When NYC teacher Alvin Irby saw one of his first grade students wait impatiently for his haircut at the local barbershop, it gave him an idea: Put children’s books in barbershops, specifically those serving black communities. Recipient of the 2017 Innovations in Reading Prize, Barbershop Books provides a growing number of barbershops across the United States a selection of children’s books aimed especially at boys ages four to eight, leveraging the power of male influences to help young boys become readers. […]