Post Tagged with: "Terri Barnes"

Literary Podcasts Connect Readers, Writers, and Books
Readers Write

Literary Podcasts Connect Readers, Writers, and Books

by Terri Barnes

Bibliophiles want more than simply reading books. They want to think about them, talk about them, and learn more about the people who write them. Literary-minded podcasts offer book lovers a way to explore their favorite books and authors, learn about new ones, and connect with other book lovers. In this month’s Readers Write, Books Make a Difference readers share their favorite podcasts and why they enjoy listening. […]

Jocelyn on the slushy streets of Quebec City, on a research trip for her book, Between Two Shores.
Beyond the Flap

Jocelyn Green: Digging Deep for Historical Fiction Gems

by Terri Barnes

Jocelyn Green’s award-winning historical fiction is the product of extensive research. The author’s quest for immersive historic settings, plots, and characters takes her beyond the walls of her cozy home office. As well as spending time in libraries and museums, Jocelyn often travels to locations that are the settings for her novels. […]

“The author and publisher are partners in all aspects of the book publishing process, including—and especially—marketing, which is the key to sales.” Says Angela Coleman, founding president of Sisterhood Agenda.
Shared Experience

Publishers Consider Author Marketing Vital to a Book’s Success

by Terri Barnes

When considering manuscripts for publication, publishers look at more than the quality and marketability of a book. They look at an author’s marketing ability as well. Beginning with their first contact with prospective authors, independent publishers are intentional in their conversations about marketing, emphasizing that authors must build platforms, connect with readers, and participate fully in promoting their work. […]