Turn the Page
by Brooke Warner
In the course of history, women have made great sacrifices to make their voices heard in the world of literature, but today their work is still not regarded in the same light as literary work produced by men. Since books create shared understanding, elevating the voices of women in publishing is essential to overcoming gender bias within and outside the book industry. It takes many other voices to elevate the voices that do get to be heard. […]
Turn the Page
by Meagan Frank and Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito
We had a book-loving good adventure at Book Expo America 2016 in Chicago in May, looking for Books Make a Difference stories. Inspired by multi-faceted storytelling—from famous and beloved all-stars to emerging teen authors, singer-songwriters who speak in poetry to 3D multimedia entertainers, publishers focused on social empowerment to satirists empowering citizens through humor, writers born of heartache and perseverance to those who would drop a book deal to keep their point of view—we bring you our #BEA16 photoblog. […]