Post Tagged with: "children’s books"

Strive Publishing: Growing Community Uplifts African-American Stories & Dreams
Community Connection

Strive Publishing: Growing Community Uplifts African-American Stories & Dreams

by Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito

Mary Taris, founder of Strive Publishing, has a dream to publish children’s books and young adult novels that inspire African-American youth to follow their dreams. “Students need books that are contemporary and relatable—books about families that look like them, doing things they do, or things they dream of doing,” she says. “The name Strive Publishing represents the continuous effort and resiliency it takes to turn dreams into reality.” And as her community of supporters grows, Mary is determined to do just that. […]

Mr. Schu Finds “Forever Books” for Kids
Turn the Page

Mr. Schu Finds “Forever Books” for Kids

by Naomi Krueger

Children’s librarian John Schumacher, otherwise known as Mr. Schu by his students and Twitter followers, reads an average of 2,000 children’s books a year and posts his recommendations for books with staying power. Elected to the Newbery Committee, John takes his love of books way beyond a few blog posts. His road trip to promote Katherine Applegate’s The One and Only Ivan took him to the zoo in Atlanta where he met the real-life inspiration for Ivan. The gorilla even autographed John’s book. […]