Post Tagged with: "Books Make a Difference"

Judy Davis: Military Life Right Side Up
Beyond the Flap

Judy Davis: Military Life Right Side Up

by Terri Barnes

Army wife Judy Davis has become acquainted with various states in her mobile lifestyle, states like Colorado, Texas, and Missouri. The one she’s been in lately is particularly familiar: a state of flux. When her husband received unexpected orders for a move coinciding with the release of her first book, Right Side Up: Find Your Way When Military Life Turns You Upside Down, the chaos of relocation became an opportunity for Judy to live out the principles in her book. […]

Books In Holiday Traditions
Readers Write

Books In Holiday Traditions

From holiday baking to special gifts, reading the Bible to not sweating the small stuff, readers wrote about special ways books have played a role in their holiday traditions. What do books have to do with your holidays? For this month’s Readers Write, we asked: What books have made a difference for you at end-of-year holidays? How have you incorporated books into your holiday traditions? What are the best books to give as gifts? […]

Laura Sobiech: Flying a Little Higher for Zach

Laura Sobiech: Flying a Little Higher for Zach

by Meagan Frank

Just before the start of his high school senior year, Zach Sobiech was told he had only months to live. After battling bone cancer for four years, Zach lived out his final days with joy, writing and recording the hit song “Clouds.” His mom, Laura, wrote a book about their family’s journey so Zach could continue to touch millions of people around the world. […]