Post Tagged with: "Books Make a Difference"

Laura Bates: The Bard Is Still Saving Lives
Shared Experience

Laura Bates: The Bard Is Still Saving Lives

by Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito

Reading Shakespeare in prisons is not new, but doing so in solitary confinement, with those considered to be the most dangerous and hardened inmates, was unheard of—until Laura Bates gave it a try. Laura’s book Shakespeare Saved My Life shares the success of her Supermax program and the transformation of convicted killer Larry Newton. Though he’ll spend his life in prison with no chance of parole, Larry says he’s free. Laura’s book has prompted other prisons to set up similar programs. […]

Mr. Schu Finds “Forever Books” for Kids
Turn the Page

Mr. Schu Finds “Forever Books” for Kids

by Naomi Krueger

Children’s librarian John Schumacher, otherwise known as Mr. Schu by his students and Twitter followers, reads an average of 2,000 children’s books a year and posts his recommendations for books with staying power. Elected to the Newbery Committee, John takes his love of books way beyond a few blog posts. His road trip to promote Katherine Applegate’s The One and Only Ivan took him to the zoo in Atlanta where he met the real-life inspiration for Ivan. The gorilla even autographed John’s book. […]

James Patterson visits Oblong Books in Millerton, NY as part of his $1 million personal donation to independent bookstores across the US.
Beyond the Flap

James Patterson: Generous Collaborator Promotes Reading

by Terri Barnes

Bestselling author James Patterson doesn’t just make millions. He also gives away millions, in scholarships for teachers, grants to independent bookstores, and programs for young readers. In this exclusive interview, he talks about the influence of his advertising career, his preference for collaborative writing, why he feels it’s important we have “really good bookstores,” and why getting kids to read is a “bit of an obsession” for him. […]