Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Nina Victor Crittenden paints children's books at her home studio
Beyond the Flap

Nina Victor Crittenden: Painting With Love of Art & Animals

by Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito

Award-winning illustrator Nina Victor Crittenden sits at her home studio and begins to paint. Shy and modest, she’s hesitant to talk about herself, but the words come easier as she strokes her watercolor brush across the back of a flying dragon. A certified veterinary technician, Nina is an animal lover. She says, “What I love about being an artist is that I can draw pictures of dogs and cats and horses … It gives me a chance to combine two things I really love: artwork and animals.” […]

Book Review Blog Connects Military Spouses & Writers
Shared Experience

Book Review Blog Connects Military Spouses & Writers

by Terri Barnes

Schooled by frequent moves, military spouses become adept at creating community for themselves. Navy wife and author Andria Williams finds connection through literature. With her first novel complete, Andria’s 4:30 a.m. writing discipline left her looking for another creative outlet. In the midst of searching for a publisher and preparing for her husband’s deployment, Andria created the Military Spouse Book Review, a blog featuring book reviews by military-connected women. She envisioned a blog for readers, but discovered a community of book-loving writers. […]

Favorite Summer Reads 2015
Readers Write

Favorite Summer Reads 2015

Love of reading is often passed through generations and friendships by example. In other words, witnessing someone else enjoy reading encourages us to read. Our Books Make a Difference challenge to you as the new school year begins: Encourage others around you to read by showing them how much you enjoy reading a good book! What better way to select your next good read than a recommendation from a fellow book lover? Don’t let summer reading end with the summer days! #KeepReading In this Readers Write, we asked: What were your favorite #SummerReads? […]