Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Readership of One: Wisdom Books Share Words of Love

Readership of One: Wisdom Books Share Words of Love

by Terri Barnes

One heart speaking to another doesn’t require a publisher, book tour, or notch on the bestseller list. Well-chosen words and stories carry the assurance of love. They share knowledge and reveal the ties that connect family and friends to the world and to each other. Whether in the form of advice for a life milestone, photo collection, or a legacy journal, a personalized wisdom book communicates love and belonging, and can make a difference, even to a readership of one. […]

Books & Babies: Sally Hepworth on Writing & Motherhood
Beyond the Flap

Books & Babies: Sally Hepworth on Writing & Motherhood

by Terri Barnes

Authors often compare producing books to birthing babies, and novelist Sally Hepworth finds more than the usual similarities, including the nine months it takes her to write a book. She’s now awaiting the arrival of her third baby and publication of her fourth book, The Mother’s Promise. Birthing and mothering are prevalent themes throughout her writing. Her books are not all about having babies, however. Through the lens of motherhood, Sally examines a variety of topics in her writing: single parenting, infertility, children with special needs, aging parents. […]

Muir’s Words Continue to Inspire Love of Nature
Community Connection

Muir’s Words Continue to Inspire Love of Nature

by Alexander Pavlicin

John Muir, often called “The Father of Our National Parks” wrote about the beauty of America’s natural lands and the spiritual interconnectedness of humanity and nature. His writings influenced a grieving President Theodore Roosevelt to establish additional national parks, monuments, and federally-protected forests. President Barack Obama continued the legacy, using executive action to protect more than 265 million acres of public land and water. As the National Park Service celebrates its centennial anniversary, Muir’s words continue to inspire people of all ages to enjoy nature and preserve our natural resources. […]