Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Writeaways Workshops: A Journey to Intimacy

Writeaways Workshops: A Journey to Intimacy

by Meagan Frank

Writers are private creatures. To share writing is an intimate decision in vulnerability, and sometimes it takes an intentional and dramatic step to arrive in a place where robust writing is possible. Writeaways workshops invite writers to a new space to create, away from home and outside of what they know. Five writers share the impact of their Writeaways experience—on their point of view, self-confidence, and writing projects. […]

How Do Your Stories Grow? Kimberly Willis Holt’s Writing Process
Turn the Page

How Do Your Stories Grow? Kimberly Willis Holt’s Writing Process

by Terri Barnes

Children’s author Kimberly Willis Holt cultivates her writing process as carefully as she cultivates the garden in her Texas backyard. She’s now working on her twentieth book, and for each one she follows a specific process of brainstorming, plotting, and rewriting. The National Book Award winner shares her creative methods and disciplines and the writers who inspired them. […]

Favorite Books to Read With Young Children
Readers Write

Favorite Books to Read With Young Children

by Naomi Krueger

Books help young children develop language and learn their colors and shapes, how to count, and how to identify animals. Books teach empathy and problem solving skills. They help foster active imaginations and prepare kids for various situations they will encounter out in the world as they grow. For this Readers Write column, we asked readers what they look for in children’s books, why reading with young children matters to them, and to share their favorite books for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. […]