Post Tagged with: "The End of Your Life Book Club"

Will Schwalbe: The End of Your Life Book Club

Will Schwalbe: The End of Your Life Book Club

by Meagan Frank

Will Schwalbe and his mother, Mary Anne, read fifty books together during the last two years of her life. Will wrote the book The End of Your Life Book Club in tribute to his mom and to continue the conversations they started. He hopes to inspire others to share their reading experiences and to have confidence to act when they are moved by the books they read. Mary Anne started each book by reading the end first. […]

How Does Your Book Club Choose Books to Read?
Readers Write

How Does Your Book Club Choose Books to Read?

How does your book club decide which books to read? Do you throw darts at a title board? Pick titles out of a hat? Do you do the blind finger-scroll down the bestsellers list? Or are you more intentional? The personalities of book clubs vary and so do the ways in which they decide their next read. In this month’s Readers Write column, readers tell us what works for their book clubs. […]