Post Tagged with: "Elizabeth Chandler"

Kids Get a Jump On Self-Publishing
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Kids Get a Jump On Self-Publishing

by Erin J. Simpson

The thrill of having someone appreciate your accomplishment is a sensation that cannot be replicated. But having someone praise your hard-earned achievement can take years of work and perseverance. Two entrepreneurs decided to give children control of their own creativity and provide them with an outlet to see their work come to life right away. Scribble Press allows children to share their own stories and capture a dream: to be published writers. […]

Goodreads: Find Next Read Among Friends
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Goodreads: Find Next Read Among Friends

by Meagan Frank

Seven years ago, Otis Chandler stood contemplating his next read with a friend when he realized how important friends’ recommendations can be to a reading list. Otis and his wife, Elizabeth, decided to change the world by encouraging people to read more. Their Goodreads recipe of social engagement via recommendations, reviews, and discussion boards, helps more than 20 million readers rely on more than a cover and title to determine the next book to read. […]