Readers Write
by Meagan Frank
In our May 2013 issue, we celebrated the power of mom blogs. We started to wonder about whether dads engage with books and blogs in the same way as moms. We found, just like parenthood, dads do things a little differently, but what they do is not better or worse. We […]
Readers Write
by Meagan Frank
This month, we asked our subscribers: Is there a book that saved your marriage, your finances, your kids, your life… What was the book and how did it make a difference for you? Books saved my marriage. They were my ladder out of a low point and, as I clung […]
Readers Write
by Meagan Frank
This past week, I nearly hit an older man with my car as he walked on a snowy Minnesota road. He was walking while reading a book. It was shocking enough to see him on the tight shoulder, but when I tried to make eye contact with him to reassure […]