Community Connection

Books Vital to Yellow Ribbon Program
Community Connection

Books Vital to Yellow Ribbon Program

by Meagan Frank

Five-year-old Hunter Johnson colors the pictures on the page to show which things he can do with his dad. Then he circles all the things he still can do after his dad deploys. It’s just one of the activities in his deployment activity book that helps him better understand his dad’s military deployment and its effect on his own daily life. Yellow Ribbon Programs use books to help families with deployment. […]

RIF Gives Kids a Book of Their Own
Community Connection

RIF Gives Kids a Book of Their Own

by Diane Silcox-Jarrett

A future scientist reads about Neil Armstrong taking the first step on the moon. A child who has never seen the ocean reads about life on the rocky coast of Maine…. In most classrooms and homes, this is normal fare. However, two-thirds of children living in poverty have no books at home….They have no book to call their own. […]