Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Joel Neeb, coauthor of Survivor’s Obligation, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, with a group of fellow survivors.

Live the Obligation: Stories Create Healing Connections for Survivors

by Terri Barnes

Two very different and extraordinary survival experiences sparked a common journey for Chris Stricklin and Joel Neeb, coauthors of Survivor’s Obligation: Navigating an Intentional Life. While writing the book together, the authors’ painful yet beneficial conversations grew into a healing friendship, inspiring Chris and Joel to reach out and help other survivors find healing connections as well. […]

Author and publisher Brooke Warner connects in a small group setting at a retreat especially for women writers.
Turn the Page

She Writes: Elevating Women’s Voices

by Brooke Warner

In the course of history, women have made great sacrifices to make their voices heard in the world of literature, but today their work is still not regarded in the same light as literary work produced by men. Since books create shared understanding, elevating the voices of women in publishing is essential to overcoming gender bias within and outside the book industry. It takes many other voices to elevate the voices that do get to be heard. […]

Military spouse Elizabeth Castro teaches English for speakers of other languages for DODEA in Okinawa, Japan where she sees the effects of transitions on students and on her own military children.
Shared Experience

Seasons of Support: Helping Military Students Thrive

by Laura Martin

While the impact of military life is global, support for mobile military-connected students starts closer to home, with proactive parents and teachers, plus solid tools and resources. Parents and education professionals talk about the ways Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers, written by two military spouses, is making a difference for their students. […]