Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Where is Your Favorite Place to Read or Write?
Readers Write

Where is Your Favorite Place to Read or Write?

by Meagan Frank

This past week, I nearly hit an older man with my car as he walked on a snowy Minnesota road. He was walking while reading a book. It was shocking enough to see him on the tight shoulder, but when I tried to make eye contact with him to reassure […]

One City, One Book: Creating Conversation
Community Connection

One City, One Book: Creating Conversation

by Erin J. Simpson

The idea an entire city could be convinced to read the same book over the course of a year seems like a far-fetched, if not impossible, dream. Aside from the most obvious and daunting logistics needed to jumpstart a city-wide read-along, organizers must consider what one book could be so appealing it would grab the attention of an entire city. Nancy Pearl never imagined her program would grow to what it has now become. […]

Sharing Stories: The New Recorded Ever After
Shared Experience

Sharing Stories: The New Recorded Ever After

by Meagan Frank

With a child on one knee and a book propped awkwardly on the other, Hillel Cooperman sat in front of a computer camera in Seattle and Skyped with his parents on the east coast. He wanted to share the bedtime story experience with his children and their grandparents, but found connecting over the miles awkward and frustrating. He wanted a digital version of storybooks to be accessible on both ends of the long-distance connection. […]