Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Deborah Tainsh: Writing Through Grief
Beyond the Flap

Deborah Tainsh: Writing Through Grief

by Meagan Frank

Deborah Tainsh never set out to write a book about the loss of a child, nor did she envision becoming a children’s writer as she processed her grief. But after the death of her stepson in Iraq, Deborah wrote two books to help others and has made it her life’s mission to use words and stories to make sense of the senseless and to offer love to the lonely. […]

In his memoir, Stitches, David is a child drawing on a piece of paper on the floor. He burrows his head through his art into the world he drew to escape the world he lived in. David says, “I think we all need escapes from reality. My escape has been through drawing.”
Readers Write

What Book Has Saved You? Pay It Forward.

by Meagan Frank

This month, we asked our subscribers: Is there a book that saved your marriage, your finances, your kids, your life… What was the book and how did it make a difference for you? Books saved my marriage. They were my ladder out of a low point and, as I clung […]

The Romantic Tale of Coffee & Books
Shared Experience

The Romantic Tale of Coffee & Books

by Meagan Frank

Books and coffee have finally found one another. It’s no secret: writers write books fueled by sips of coffee and readers discuss and read books while holding tightly to steaming mugs. Groups of readers and writers have been gathering around coffee house tables for as long as there have been chairs in the room. Like most modern romances, however, it took the Internet to finally make the coffee and books relationship blossom. […]