Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Story & Art Walk Margins of Bipolar
Shared Experience

Story & Art Walk Margins of Bipolar

by Meagan Frank

Kathy Brandt processes the world through writing, while her son Max Maddox processes the world through art. Coming together to write the story of their experience with Max’s bipolar disorder challenged and changed both of them. Their willingness to expose their pain has started a necessary conversation in the mental health community and provided comfort for families experiencing similar challenges. “I want the book to be a sign of hope…” says Max. “I want to save a life or two.” […]

Who Would You Invite to Dinner?
Readers Write

Who Would You Invite to Dinner?

by Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito

The right dinner guest can make an evening meal more entertaining and, sometimes, even provide life lessons for a family. Sarah Smiley decided to invite a different person to dinner each week for the year her Navy husband was deployed. But it was the night she and her three young sons were unexpectedly invited to dine with a couple at an assisted living center that made her realize how much a dinner invitation can change the way you see the world. […]

Briley Rossiter: 12-Year-Old Author Shares Voice & Feet

Briley Rossiter: 12-Year-Old Author Shares Voice & Feet

by Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito

Briley Rossiter loves to listen to music, read popular adventure books, and sometimes gets annoyed with her little brother. But she’s also a published author, with a busy schedule of events, and a philanthropist. In Born an Angel, Briley tells the story of her sister’s diagnosis with a rare nervous system disorder, her family’s response, and the exciting details of how racing together has changed their lives. The intensely-protective older sister and preteen author hopes to spread an important message about inclusion. […]