Articles written by: bMadwpdev

Mni Sota Makoce: A New History of Dakota Land

Mni Sota Makoce: A New History of Dakota Land

by Meagan Frank

Town after town, lake after lake in Minnesota, the names given have their origin with the Dakota people. But until the recent publication of the award-winning history book Mni Sota Makoce: Land of the Dakota, a Dakota version of their history in Minnesota had been too often misrepresented. Gwen Westerman and Bruce White changed the historical landscape, opening the path for people to tell a richer story about the Dakota people and their homeland by adding the Dakota voice. […]

Judy Davis: Military Life Right Side Up
Beyond the Flap

Judy Davis: Military Life Right Side Up

by Terri Barnes

Army wife Judy Davis has become acquainted with various states in her mobile lifestyle, states like Colorado, Texas, and Missouri. The one she’s been in lately is particularly familiar: a state of flux. When her husband received unexpected orders for a move coinciding with the release of her first book, Right Side Up: Find Your Way When Military Life Turns You Upside Down, the chaos of relocation became an opportunity for Judy to live out the principles in her book. […]

13th NaNoWriMo For Sujin Headrick
Turn the Page

13th NaNoWriMo For Sujin Headrick

by Erin Simpson

Writing a novel is a daunting challenge for every writer, from novice to experienced. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenges writers to write an entire novel, at least 50,000 words, in the month of November. The writing program has attracted an avid following, including Sujin Headrick, who has written at least one novel every November for the past twelve years. “I can type as fast as I think, which is really helpful,” she says. […]