Our scholarship winner, JT Blatty, and Books Make a Difference publisher, Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito, attended the 2018 Tuscany Writeaway at Villa Cini and Villa Casanova Oct 17-24, 2018 with workshop leaders Mimi Herman and John Yewell of Writeaways and five other writer participants. The following is a recap of the social media coverage of the Writeaway as the week unfolded.
Arrival Day
Publisher Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito posts this first photo on her Facebook page:
Wine, chocolate, inspiring view outside my window at the villa… Let the #TuscanyWriteaway begin. #writinglife #Writeaways
Coverage from the Books Make a Difference Facebook page:
The Writeaway in Italy has begun for Tuscany Scholarship winner JT Blatty and Books Make a Difference publisher and contributor Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito. Writeaways will be the backdrop to amazing inspiration and creativity this week.
Workshop Day 1
To begin the first day of the Writeaways workshop, John gave each participant a madeleine, and toasted in the spirit of French novelist Marcel Proust: “May 20 pages of memories come flooding back.”
We each talked about our writing projects for the week and what kind of feedback is most helpful for our writing. John encouraged us all to share the part of our writing that needs work so we get the most out of the workshop. We each read from an author’s writing we admire to give the group, as Mimi put it, “an entry into our landscape of writing” and what we value as writers.
Following the morning workshop, we each had a brief conference with Mimi and with John (separately) to receive guidance about our writing plan for the week. After lunch in the garden, we had a free afternoon to write. Then dinner and conversation.
It is amazing how much of a community is already forming. And how much writing is already taking place. Great food, great wine, great location.
Tomorrow we begin the real “workshop” aspect. In the morning, each writer will read a page or two from today’s writing and the group will collaborate with that writer to, as Mimi says, “help the writing be what it wants to be.”
A behind-the-scenes look at the Writeaways workshop through the eyes of JT and Karen:
Day 2
Today started with a full morning of workshop. Each writer took a turn to read one to two pages of what was written yesterday. Another writer summarized for the group what was read. Then participants offered thoughts about what stayed with us and why (what’s working) as well as questions and suggestions to consider for the piece. Each of the seven Writeaway writers is working on a very different project.
We enjoyed a morning break with the “bread man” who delivers bread each morning to the villa.
In the afternoon, our cooks Gabry and Giusy gave us a cooking class and let us help cook dinner! Eggplant parmesan, veal and pork, pasta with tomato sauce, and torte di castagnaccio (chestnut cake). Delizioso!
All the moments in between: WRITING!!
Creativity at Writeaways is nourished by beautiful surroundings, delicious food, and novel experiences.
Day 3
Most of today was spent writing in this beautiful place, and then late in the afternoon, we read and discussed what we had written.
We were treated to another excellent dinner where we had an opportunity to get to know each other better.
We are officially at the halfway point for the workshop. All we have experienced as a group so far has grown us closer as a community of writers and as friends.
It is chestnut season in Tuscany and Gabry surprised us with roasted chestnuts tonight. So good!
Even Oliver the cat enjoyed the gorgeous sunset in this enchanted place. Oliver is the cat who lives at the villa, and he and John are playing a friendly game to determine who is actually in charge.
Day 4

Maddy read a touching scene from her memoir during workshop today that prompted tears from some of us and a hug from JT. It’s amazing how much everyone’s writing has improved and how quickly we’ve grown from a group of writers into a family.
Day 5

Karen and JT were working on an outline and Oliver decided he needed to be exactly where Karen was taking notes.

This is what happens to our writing John doesn’t like. About the fire, Mimi says it’s always good for your writing to be of good use. We are kindling new ideas.
Final Workshop Day
We enjoyed our last day of Writeaways today! What an amazing week! Today we had individual conferences with John and Mimi and spent a lot of time writing. This afternoon, each writer read aloud a final piece. Incredible writing!! JT set up her portable portrait studio and we enjoyed a fun evening hanging out with friends on our last evening together.

2018 Tuscany Writeaway participants. Front row (left to right): JT, Gene, Maddy. Back row: Sharyn, Karen, Dixie, John, Mimi, and Candy.
Following a Writeaway, participants have the option to continue to be part of the writing community through an online forum and monthly writing exchanges. For more information about Writeaways and to register for a future workshop, please visit the Writeaways website.